The Development Fund Committee was formed in 1992 when the community’s consensus was that they would not approve a tax referendum to support the hospital, but would prefer to support it on a voluntary donation basis. Then CEO, Jim Tavary, also felt that the hospital needed to have a fund raising arm and designated a part time employee to fill the role of Development Fund Coordinator. A volunteer steering committee was formed, then a volunteer board. This is still the basic structure of the Committee, which consists of members of the governing Board of Directors, community volunteers, and a part time hospital employee who coordinates the work of the committee and also writes grants.
Annual fund raising drives, memorials and special events have been the primary sources of funds that support the committee’s efforts, on behalf of the hospital and the community. Funds are expended to improve the hospital’s facilities, purchase needed equipment or kept in reserve for future needs. Unless there is a fund raising appeal with a stated need, most donations are given as unrestricted, which allows the committee to respond to needs as they arise. Equipment is purchased in conjunction with the hospital’s mission and needs. The Development Fund has also supported building improvements as the hospital has been in the process of renovating a 48 year old building with aging infrastructure. Needs are identified by hospital leadership and presented to the governing body, then taken to the Development Fund Committee for funding approval.
Some of the more recent purchases by the Development Fund have been:
Anesthesia equipment
Bone density scanner
Fluoroscopy unit
Two paintings and copper décor for the hospital lobby
Lifeline units
Monies toward a new mammography unit
The Development Fund Committee meets quarterly. Those interested in supporting the hospital through the Development Fund Committee are invited to contact Lisa Cummings at 432-6436.
Interested community members are invited to join the hospital auxiliary which meets on the second Monday of the month, at 9:30 a.m. in the hospital conference room.
Auxilians assist the hospital by operating a gift shop for the convenience of the public and hospital employees. Proceeds from the gift shop are used to purchase needed items for the hospital and its patients and to fund an annual health careers scholarship.
Auxilians also assist with special events, hold fund raisers and help with clerical projects.
To receive a membership application, or find out more about the Auxiliary, contact the Auxiliary President at 432-7926, or the Membership Chairman at 432-3868.
We want to thank our AMAZING Auxiliary ladies for their 2200 volunteer hours over the past year! These wonderful ladies look after our gift shop and have been manning the concierge desk during our construction process! Thanks so Juanita Horner, Marguerite Askins, Joyce Noble, Shirley Doughty, Jill Garey, Gay Turner, Lida Panagakos, Kathy Phililps, Carlie Collier, Maria Rubio, Linda Hallsted, Helen Chrispell, Carlie Collier, Maria Rubio, and Helen Chrispell! You all are remarkable!