The Cardio-Pulmonary Services department is dedicated to improving your every breath. We offer an array of procedures for our out-patient as well as in-patients. Including, but not limited to, Arterial Blood Gas sampling that determine the efficiency of your lungs by measuring the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood. We also offer Electrocardiography, Stress-Testing, as well as 24 hour in home cardiac Holter monitoring. We have ‘state of the art’ Pulmonary Function diagnostic equipment including Body Plethysmography. Body plethysmography is a very sensitive lung measurement used to detect lung pathology that might be missed with conventional pulmonary function tests. Our staff of licensed and Board Certified Respiratory Therapists are specially trained and always happy to help you in any way possible. We aim to improve your life one breath at a time.
All procedural requests must have a physician’s referral.
Cardio-Pulmonary Services